08-08-2022, 06:13 AM
gamble, this is china & xi mentality in all events including pelosi visit taiwan & almost 100%, china lost till pantless eventually!
same as this china drill in taiwan straits, whole world is watching & supporting taiwan from behind!
china drill only exposed china weak & junk military rubbish in front of the world, not accurate, not powerful, useless warship & ton more!
8.7 【軍演淪為世界笑柄!】解放軍威脅台灣,位置偏差嚴重不準確,動用導彈炸魚成為世界嘲笑對象!
same as this china drill in taiwan straits, whole world is watching & supporting taiwan from behind!
china drill only exposed china weak & junk military rubbish in front of the world, not accurate, not powerful, useless warship & ton more!
8.7 【軍演淪為世界笑柄!】解放軍威脅台灣,位置偏差嚴重不準確,動用導彈炸魚成為世界嘲笑對象!