Why blocking cheap Chinese phones would be the wrong call for India

(13-08-2022, 12:11 PM)kokee Wrote:  all will cut off from china eventually! not only manufacturing, investment funds & all!

whole world will cut off tie with china eventually, like what softbank is doing to alibaba!
although it will take time, better to run early than late, the west use 20-30 yrs to build up china today, probably take 5-10 yrs to withdraw totally!
apple & US also will pull out all their facility from china step by step! after Iphone 13, 14 onwards will be made in india! eventually also all the supply chain!
investment, funds, factory, business will be last!

iPhone 14 to be manufactured in India


as above, Iphone 14 manufacturing going to move from china to india!
so india has the capability to make also has the market to sell more hp, from low to high end!
with the economy scale, also the whole supply chain of hp, india definitely can develop their own brand, reversely, all these china junk lost india market, many of them will be bankrupt instead!

china hp sale in india will be badly hit!
look at xiao mi share price last week can tell some china hp company will not last long now!



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