LGBT won the fight but lost the big is why...

377A was all along a useless law that is not enforced. It was a red herring to lure activists to fight for its removal and expend all their energy on this.

But what really happen that is important was this constitutional change that prevent gay marriages. 
It also stop gay activists from.fighting in court for it because all legal basiss for marriages is removed by this single stroke.

Many don't understand that the LGBT lost in the latest change because it was a 2 stroke move. 

Because the LGBT activism is so centered on 377A it simply collapse after its removal and gay marriages are stopped by constitutional change.

This is common in warfare to lure your opponents to fight at one place and go around them when  they are distracted.

[Image: HOOutB3.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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