As Ford takes the exit route from India, dealers urge govt to step in

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Ford the latest automaker to exit car manufacturing in India

FRI, SEP 10, 2021 - 7:20 AM  UPDATED FRI, SEP 10, 2021 - 7:34 AM

[MUMBAI] Ford will stop manufacturing cars in India and expects to record a US$2 billion restructuring charge after failing to find a "sustainable path" forward, the American auto giant said on Thursday.


Harley-Davidson announced its withdrawal last year and General Motors in 2017.

Ford said it had accumulated operating losses of more than US$2 billion over the past 10 years and an US$800 million write-down of assets in 2019.


"They were the only carmaker shipping cars from India to the United States. And they are going out at a time when we (India) are discussing production-linked incentives for automotives."

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