It has to have law to require companies to have email recipients

Nowadays, almost all the private firms especially the major ones all avoid receipt of email from the public/consumers instead of requiring public/consumers to call by phones. The call by phones is made so difficult that public and consumers wasted a lot of time to press phone buttons and in the end the call is discontinued or abruptly stopped and you have to call again.   

Once, I searched for a email of a company from google and managed to get one and sent them an email.  

I got a reply saying "this email is for media only". I replied to say I only want to inform your company of certain info. If you are not the right person to inform, please forward this info to the right person or you give me the email of the right person because I don't know and I don't have the internal organization of your firm.  

It is therefore important the firm must give an email or a few email recipients.  

Do you all have similar encounters?  


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