12-09-2022, 05:12 AM
(06-09-2022, 05:09 PM)kokee Wrote: whole world want UN to question & hantam china on xinjiang genocide!
新疆人權報告發布 多國政要促UN問責中共
of course china human right issue not only refer to xinjiang genocide! this is the main one but china human right issue happening everyday inside china!
as long as you dont listen or follow ccp instruction, lawless can do anything like recently many jail because of did not go for covid test & so on!
dictatorship, brainwash, 1 vocie, no freedom & human right, firewall to block, censor, twist & lies whatever they like!
outside anything they want you to listen or do, you have totally no right to do anything or get arrest or jail or whatever!
人權組織:中共大肆濫用軟禁羈押 迫害人權