Italy voters shift sharply, reward Meloni’s far-right part

Right-wing leaders like Trump like to

1. Blame complex problems on things people can easily hate. Trump blame Mexican jmmgrants and China for all of the people's problems. UK right wing blamed EU for all their economic woes which resulted in Brexit.

2. The voters are gullible in a sense they cannot grasp economic issues well and are attracted to simplified explanation.

3. After the right wing leader kill all his scapgpats..the people are often always worse off.

4. After that, they try to find a new bogeyman to direct the people's hatred in order to get support.

5. They repeat this pattern until country is worse off and in shambles. Then they throw the country to someone else to fix.

Just like Brexit, you now have Italian leaders telling people being in Eurozone is cause of all their problems. They seem to forget what the situation was before Eurozone when they has regular crisis and lira would get devalued and citizens savings wiped out overnight.

Just look at UK after they left the EU now the pound is going to the toilet and will soon reach parity with USD. Not to mention the horrid state of the UK economy.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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