SG: A proposed law will give the authorities new powers ...

On the surface it is desirable for countries to guard against "foreign. Interference" but such laws allow authoritarian govt another venue to close down websites it does not like through onerous regulation like demanding identity of participants of the sites which may number in the thousands, demanding release of private information of people who post articles it does not like, and using information against domestic opponents.

Such laws are often abused by those in power to cement their control of  the people to attack those who provide alternative views.

The IMDA now demand TOC release all it's donor information under the guise of preventing "foreign in interference" but why should TOC be made to release names of local donors in the process? Once released the regime can potentially  now go after locals who oppose them. If they want to shutdown TOC shouldn't the proof of foreign interference come from authorities first. So now it can shutdown any site by imposing onerous rules, removing privacy of participants etc.

"Stopping foreign interference" throughout history is use by dictators as a pretext to limit the freedom of the citizens and go after own citizens who oppose the govt. A govt should take care of the people ...if the people are cared for an their needs are met, no foreign interference can have material impact on the people and election outcomes. There is no such regulations other countries which high human development index where the views of citizens are respected.

The military regimes of Thailand and Myanmar opposed and protested against by the citizens due to their incompetence claim iprotests are driven by  "foreign interference" when the real reason is people hated their rule....nothing to do with "foreign interference".

The main intention of such laws and rules is to shutdown websites that are critical of govt  ...little to do with foreign interference.
In Singapore the PAP has controlled  all mass media before the internet age to suppress alternative views....when there was no possiblity of foreign interference . They are implementing these laws as citizens are now using social media to express their disagreement with govt policies and the laws will make it easier for them to shutdown and limit the freedom of people to speak up....they have done so in the past and are doing so now. Nothing has changed.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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