My idol Elon M proposes a solution to the conflict in Ukraine

Those who follow the Ukraine conflict since 2014 will know that what Musk propose is what the Minsk Agreements I & II (signed by Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland, Luhansk, Donetsk, France & Germany, but which Ukraine contravened and France & Germany failed to enforce) have proposed all along:

1. Luhansk & Donbass remain in Ukraine but given autonomy
2. Ukraine remains neutral

Ukraine blame Luhansk & Donetsk separatists for breaking the Minsk agreement by launching a new war against Ukraine, but conveniently fail to talk about why the separatists did that: because the Nazi-led Ukrainian Army was shelling & killing tens of thousands in Luhansk & Donetsk.

The Ukrainian army rejected Minsk since 2014. The only way to get them to behave is by nuking them.

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