My idol Elon M proposes a solution to the conflict in Ukraine

(04-10-2022, 08:57 PM)Sticw Wrote:  And then California also wanna do this voting thingy... Then Mexico will also want to ask about their annexed land... And then we can ask people on Christmas Island to vote too... There got HDB flats hor..

California and Texas applied before but both rejected by court telling the constitution do not 
allowed, so only way is by war. 

Under UN Law, it is against robbing or split up of UN member by external and internal parties.
Any breakup can only enter UN if accepted by the country concerned. 
Kosovo for eg is not accept to UN despite quite many establish diplomatic ties. 

There is a different between with four states and Crimea situation. 
While the four elections are held when being occupied.
Crimea election is after Ukr military withdraw despite being overwhelming advantage initially.
So by withdrawing physically conflict with mouth saying no. 

Anyway Zelen does not exhibit ability to bring the different ethnic together, tolerance is
not there, can foresee Ukr be drawn into endless fight and uprising by other minorities
when it weaken. 
Country with short history and not able to unite, most often will disappear.

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