alibaba at 61, dogs bark to buy at 100, down from 300, dogs bark US & EU to collapse

comie dogs here, norm, personal attack, accuse & abuse in almost all their posts & threads using lies from their ass like above!
japanese Yen weak? Yen today is still >100% stronger against USD 30-40 yrs ago, compared to RMB 30-40 yrs ago. Yen today is still strong! important is future, per my above posts, RMB at 20 against USD easily, no? no need to wait too long. What will happen to china economy by then? like russia & NK today, invasion & threaten for money like NK & russia today, communism will never create wealth, only poor, xi is going back to mao time. how about asia under hooligan ccp? same as all comie dogs here above & the rest!

HSI at 15k today, same level as 1/7/1997, 25 yrs ago when UK return to these hooligan!
HSI hit 34k when they under democratic govt at that time!
what happen to HK in last 1-2 yrs under communism govt & lawless? obvious, lost all their value, stock & property total crash down, HKD unpeg on the way!! that is the end of free HK!

china GDP today? still got morons here believe all these shit today? LOL LOL!
all these stir shit, spam rumor & post lies & BS comie dogs here in all their posts & threads, also all their brainless supporters!!
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