‘That fella down under’: Joe Biden forgets Scott Morrison’s name

‘That fella down under’: Joe Biden forgets Scott Morrison’s name during historic pact announcement

Scott Morrison has been called many things, but “that fella down under” may be the one that stays with the Australian prime minister the longest.

The blunder came as the US president, Joe Biden, announced a trilateral security partnership with Britain and Australia, called Aukus. It will see the US share nuclear technology that will help Australia create a multibillion-dollar fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.

During the historic announcement, Biden turned to the British prime minister to pay his gratitude for this new phase of cooperation.

“Thank you, Boris,” he said.

Then, looking towards a TV screen on which Morrison was appearing via video link, Biden appeared to hesitate.

“And I want to thank that fella down under. Thank you very much pal,” Biden said. He added: “Appreciate it Mr prime minister.”

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