Kim Lim reveals her personal life and hardships

[Image: 13Zmkuu.jpg]

Local billionaire heiress Kim Lim has turned 30. Here, she answers some intimate questions about her life

How Kim Lim starts her mornings

“Check my phone, eat my Ssunsu ginseng jelly, and take my vitamins.”

In case you’re wondering, Ssunsu (pronounced Sun-Su) is a health food brand, her latest venture under her holding company Kelhealth Group. The Beauty+ Red Ginseng Jelly she’s talking about is currently sold out.

Her most prized handbag

“My Himalaya Birkin. It was a gift from my dad when I was pregnant. It’s of great sentimental value because he seldom buys expensive bags for me. I guess he sees the value of Hermes bags now! (laughs)”

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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