Has Anwar Managed to Get Enough Number to Support Him?

(22-11-2022, 03:05 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  Most probably internally they cannot agree.  Zahid cannot get what he wants as his MPs buay song with him.  Stalemate.

Social media users have highlighted an apparent surge in content encouraging the majority Malay-Muslim community to defend their rights, amid the ongoing tussle between the multiracial Pakatan Harapan coalition and the Malay nationalist Perikatan Nasional alliance to form government.
Posts that went viral include “reminders” of the deadly racial riots of 1969, which incidentally happened in the aftermath of a hotly-contested election, and of a youth religious preacher wearing a PN vest urging the Malays to be careful of ending up as “refugees” on their own land.


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