Leong Mun Wai facebook

I said many times to compare CECA benefits we have to compare the life before CECA with after CECA. Govt release stats saying that after CECA still have jobs for Singaporeans....but my question is what is comparison with before CECA?

1. What is affordability of housing transport and medical before and after CRCA?

2. What is % of PMET ho are Singaporeans before and after CECA?

3. How many key jobs like HR and top executives go to Sjngaporeans before and after CECA?

4. What is poverty level before and after CECA?

5. What % of Singapore have gone to low end jobs like delivery boy before and after CECA?

To know if CECA benefit Singaporeans we have BEFORE and AFTER

The pap tried to tell only one side by saying Singaporeans still have jobs after CECA and used that to conclude CECA is good.

Don't treat us as fools!!!!

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Messages In This Thread
Leong Mun Wai facebook - by Blasterlord2 - 24-07-2021, 02:28 PM
RE: Leong Mun Wai facebook - by sgbuffett - 24-07-2021, 03:40 PM
RE: Leong Mun Wai facebook - by klat - 24-07-2021, 04:17 PM
RE: Leong Mun Wai facebook - by klat - 24-07-2021, 06:56 PM
RE: Leong Mun Wai facebook - by Blasterlord2 - 24-07-2021, 07:26 PM

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