Managing Symptoms of Long COVID

Because people like to say it's like flu. It's not like flu. We don't get long-term complications the flu, do we?

JANNA FRIEDLY: Yeah, absolutely.

People who are older and had co-morbidities that required rehabilitation after a long hospitalization, but we very quickly realized that there was a very large population of people who were younger and healthier who were not hospitalized initially that had what they thought were mild to moderate initial infections that were really struggling with disabling symptoms.

We start with some of the basic labs to look at your white blood cell count, your red blood cell count, and then what we call a comprehensive panel to look at your electrolytes and how well your kidneys and your liver are functioning. And then there are specific markers for inflammation like a sedimentation rate, or a CRP.

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Managing Symptoms of Long COVID - by theold - 23-09-2021, 11:21 AM

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