The existence of smoking example of bad decisions...

Smoking is so bad if it didn't exists and some one invented it today it would have been banned outright by regulators for the toxins and cancerous substances that it puts in our obodies. Personally I know 2 snokers who died young from lung cancer as cancer increase risk of lung cancer by 30 times and many type of cancers occur in smokers.

The reason why smoking exists today is because many are hooked and in the west govt don't dare to ban it because they are afraid of losing votes of smokers and supoort of the tobacco companies.

If one thinks about it clearly such a harmful and addictive thing should be banned. The reason it isn't is just politics and other near term considerations.

Smoking is an example of govts unable to do the right thing. But it is just one example. Also, if not for the push by powerful consumer groups, empowered citizens who grouped together to fight the tobacco industry problem would me much worse and powerful rich companies can hide problems manipulated data.

Never ever be so complacent to trust a system or a group of people to always do the right thing. 

If such a system exists smoking and cigarettes would have been banned. 

Everyone as their own interests to protect. An active citizenry is necessary to push for what is right.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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The existence of smoking example of bad decisions... - by sgbuffett - 26-09-2021, 11:41 AM

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