7 people alleged corruption charged in court linked to Keppel FELS (KFELS).

U faces seven counts of corruptly giving gratification amounting to around SGD196,000, Stanley Goh faces 21 counts of corruptly giving gratification amounting to SGD190,900, and Fatkullah faces 18 counts of corruptly giving gratification amounting to SGD492,300.

A seventh individual, Ong Tun Chai, faces 10 counts of corruptly accepting bribes of around SGD15,000 from Goh Ngak Eng and 20 counts of falsifying documents.

“Singapore adopts a strict zero-tolerance approach towards corruption. Any person who is convicted of a corruption offence can be fined up to SGD100,000 or sentenced to imprisonment of up to five years or to both,” CPIB stated.

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