01-02-2023, 06:47 AM
(01-02-2023, 06:24 AM)grotesqueness Wrote: please stay calm and collected.
as highly evolved spices as we are
you dont have to behave like bloody chao cheese pie imbecile and utter such motherfarker abhorrent insolents and insults.
where we are where we come from we never wear cloths
we wear attires that we made our own
Indonesia is pro-Russia for now and Malaysia is pro-China for now
like Vietnam
once an enemy
now they are willingly coming back, sucking our toes
our adversary will eventually submit to our licking
so are you
so will you
it is time that matter
resistant is always futile
This post of yours triple confirm you need to have your brain washed thoroughly
I repeat - Indonesia is pro-Russia, Malaysia is pro-China, and that is all that matters
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