China vs USA infrastructure. USA printed so much money spend on what?

to say US printed so much is not correct
countries have Dola swaps becos they don't have Dola
so they deposit in each other country 's central bank for a period say 6 mths in their own currencies at prevailing or agreed amt by simply opening an account
At the end whoever loses pay up
Just like when u borrow to buy a car.
The bank simply open an acct in your own name
the car is the security
dat why u wear a belt
not to save u but to safe the car
singlon only own solid gold
when the price goes up in SGD SGD no good.
see the mind set.
the bank has no money to give u
bank simply give u a cheque to pay to the dealer.
IAM standing on dangerous gr. so I cannot reveal the actual wording.

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