My view on house prices ...8M homes available for free in Japan

Japan has 8M houses empty and free ...  all of us can move there to get free house.

Just joking lah. That is not the point I am on...

Watching the debate about high price of homes in Singapore ...I am rather disappointed. The PAP pretends there is no problem by saying flats are "affordable" and the opposition wants to do some strange manipulation of public housing which involves not counting the cost of land when selling BTO. ..this type of thing Is like big  giveaway ..very soon those who miss out will become unhappy and demand they be given the same deal. I won't elaborate but it is as defective an idea as free transport and free medical.  .People will all apply for the biggest flats in the prime area and become angry when they can't get it.

To understand the root cause of our housing issues let's look at the Japan example where 8M homes are offered for free. What happened? The answer is depopulation of rural areas with population density decline causing prices of homes to go down.

So the fundamental idea here is this :

Population density increase = affordability of housing decrease.

Everywhere in the world where there is unaffordable housing Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipei, London  is all caused by rise in population density. 

Our housing problems is cause by this:

[Image: 1Ar6NnU.jpg]

[Image: f5Tj9UB.jpg]

The PAP govt has been j importing people at the highest rate in the world. This causes a rise in demand for housing which drives up housing prices. As a result Singaporeans have to suffer the consequences especially the lower middle class and poorer segments of the population.

The PAP govt does not take ownership of various problems it caused with its policies.

Recently PAP stated its goal to scour the global and bring jn more people into

[Image: oV0I4b0.jpg]

First they make it harder for you to find a rice bowl by increasing the competition for jobs then they make it harder for you to buy a nice home as they become less affordable.

It is a very sad situation, and the PAP always tells us that they "don't owe you a living...". We are on our own to cope with our problems. They won't take any responsibility.

But it is failure all over the place for this govt. I think Singaporeans should learn their lesson and learn it well...if you trust the PAP to do yhings to improve your life, you will be disappointed. You need to think for yourself and  find your own way.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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My view on house prices ...8M homes available for free in Japan - by sgbuffett - 07-02-2023, 04:35 PM

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