A holistic solution to end abandoned supermarket trolleys once and for all.

Kum Jit Pow, post (HWZ) Wrote:I don't understand why kaypoh about profit making organisations spending money or losing money? you got share? they save a few millions got give you 1 dollar? last I heard they are going to charge for all plastic bags liao.... did they think of you?
Not worry for them. Worry they overcharge us due to others inconsideration.

The trolley retrieval and repair costs add to price inflation, since those who have stolen/misplaced the trolleys are freeloading and the costs is borne by all.

The public, road users pedestrian and cyclist are inconvenienced or endangered by trolleys placed where they shouldn't.

So supermarkets need to be responsible for keeping these wasteful costs low and government also needs to supervise and monitor so inflation is reduced and road users protected.

One day, if a car or cyclist bangs into an abandoned supermarket trolley at night, the supermarket might be held responsible too (e.g. if some wayward teenagers placed an almost invisible supermarket trolley in middle of expressway at night and it caused injury or death as a result, then the question becomes if the supermarket should have controlled it's trolleys better because they could easily be misused as deadly weapons to hurt others, especially if the perpetrators cannot pay for their actions or remain at large). If technology for plastic (more visible) trolleys or trolleys with theft proof auto locks is available, then the plaintiff lawyers will ask why the supermarket did not change to safer and more responsible trolleys to provide.

Likewise if your car is stolen and the joyrider injures or kills someone, your insurance has to compensate victim immediately, in what proportion compensation is claimed from joyrider for his theft or owner for not locking his car is determined by the facts on case by case basis.

If the trolley ended up blocking a canal and causing a flood, the owner supermarket might be billed for damages and the trolley disposal service as well too.

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