Just got sms fr MOH to go for booster..ls it a scam?

(22-02-2023, 01:24 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Scam rah,

Impossible MOH pushing for Vaccine partly Govt now claim no need wear mask come the rules. They also don't daily update the cases on the news , tell u " ownself check ownself on MOH site "

Nevertheless , Don't jab too much. 3 is enough.

WEAR MASK IS THE REAL " vaccine " in fact.

Smile I STILL WEAR MASK even take public transports or while outside. Only take down when eat , drink, smoke.

This is why I still haven't get infect.

Actually now almost I would say at least 50% infected with Covid and recovered already. Slowly this number increase and you become the rarity which means you have to be extra careful. Those kena before already got the strain inside so belong to majority infect together.

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