

_Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a speech at the International Press Conference._

1. This morning China delivered a serious warning to the United States: *China's nuclear weapons are created NOT for you to see!* It's not that we're afraid of things, it's just that you're not qualified to see!

2. Wang Yi's answer: The virus is the common enemy of all mankind, it may appear at any time and any place, and China, like other countries, has been attacked by the new crown virus, and is a victim, not a perpetrator, let alone an "accomplice" of the virus. At that time, the H1N1 flu was first diagnosed in the United States and broke out in a large area, spreading to 214 countries and regions, resulting in nearly 200,000 deaths. In the 1980s, AIDS was first discovered in the United States and spread rapidly to the whole world, causing suffering to many people and families, and who sought compensation from the United States? In 2008, the financial turmoil that occurred in the United States, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and eventually evolved into a global financial crisis, did anyone demanded compensation from the United States? The United States must be clear that their enemy is the virus, not China.

3. Wang Yi went on to say: If Biden & Blinken are not quilty of Senile Rhapsody, then they should know that China now is not the China that was trampled by the "Eight Power Coalition" and China is not Iraq Venuzuela, nor Syria. You can check the state & status of China if you want to. China is not afraid but you are not qualified to do so!

At the beginning of the epidemic, we took the initiative to invite WHO and Chinese experts to conduct joint inspections in the affected areas regrading the outbreak & spread of the new crown virus. The inspector request by Trump is purely unreasonable & a manifestation of hegemonism bullying, especially by someone who is likely the main culprit in the creation & the spread of Covid-19 virus. They have placed the United States above international organizations and over all of humanity, as if only they themselves are credible & have the unilateral authority over all others to know investigate & know the truth. But is the United States really credible? Iraq and Venezuela are the lessons of the past that Americans will use as examples to manipulate the truth & turn it to fable!!!

4. We have to warn Biden, if you want to play China's calculations, it is best to think about it and then say it. Because 1.4 billion people will not agree, China's 2 million troops are not decorations, but China's Great Wall of Steel. China's Dongfeng missiles are not used to hit rakes, but to hit dogs, jackals & international mafias. China's nuclear submarines are not used to travel under the sea, but to combat uninvited guests. *China's nuclear weapons are not used to scare anyone, but to defend themselves, and whoever wants to taste it are welcome to try their luck!!!*

5. We want to warn Biden that if they want China to compensate for the *Covid-19 pandemic, they must get to the root/ source of the problem* - starting from the *findings  of the Fort Detrick & the findings of the first cases of Covid-19 virus in the sewage water treatment around Maryland & Pentagon!* In addition, international reparations will have to start from the time when the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, when *Britain & the West colonised India, looted their best, biggest & most expensive jewellery which are reserved & used for the Queen's crown. The amount looted from India alone exceeded USD 45 Trillions!*  Wang Yi just proposed these few cases together first. You *first compensate the old historical accounts war crimes* committed in China, India, Malaysia, Asian countries, Africa, Australia, Canada, North & South America and *the world.*

6. Now China is in a very good position in the world, the first to control the new crown pneumonia & Covid-19 , the first to enter the stage of economic recovery, and now it is to increase its ability to export anti-epidemic materials to the world. It is China's time to catch up with the United States in the total economic volume is also greatly advanced, which is unacceptable to Biden. *The United States has been dragged into the quagmire by Trump & Biden, and now Biden wants to make China & the world unhappy.*

*The act of harming people must not be allowed & left unpunished.*

*The world has to act to prevent Biden's further war crimes, and the wicked & quilty have to be metted the apt & appropriate punishment!*

I hope that every Chinese will be able to pass this article out and make our China stronger and stronger, supporting all patriotic groups.

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二、王毅答:病毒是全人类的共同敌人,随时随地都可能出现,中国和其他国家一样,都受到了新冠病毒的袭击,是受害者,不是加害者 ,更何况是病毒的“帮凶”。 当时,甲型H1N1流感首先在美国确诊并大范围爆发,波及214个国家和地区,导致近20万人死亡。  20世纪80年代,艾滋病首先在美国被发现,并迅速蔓延到全世界,给许多人和家庭带来痛苦,谁向美国索赔?  2008年美国发生金融风暴,雷曼兄弟破产,最后演变成全球金融危机,有没有人向美国索赔? 美国必须清楚,他们的敌人是病毒,而不是中国。

3、王毅接着说:如果拜登和布林肯不是老年狂想曲的受害者,那他们就应该知道,现在的中国不是被“八强联盟”践踏的中国,中国不是伊拉克委内瑞拉,也不是叙利亚 . 如果需要,您可以查看中国的状态。 中国不怕,只是你们没有资格!

疫情伊始,我们就主动邀请世卫组织和中国专家到疫区联合考察,对新冠病毒疫情传播进行分级。 特朗普的检查员要求纯粹是不合理的,是霸权主义霸凌的表现,尤其是那些可能是制造和传播 Covid-19 病毒的罪魁祸首的人。 他们把美国置于国际组织和全人类之上,好像只有他们自己才是可信的,并且拥有对所有其他人进行调查和了解真相的单边权威。 但美国真的可信吗? 伊拉克和委内瑞拉是过去的教训,美国人将以此为榜样来操纵真相并将其变成寓言!!!

4.我们不得不告诫拜登,如果要打中国的算盘,最好想清楚再说。 因为14亿人不会同意,中国200万大军不是摆设,而是中国的钢铁长城。 中国的东风导弹不是用来打耙子的,而是用来打狗、豺狼和国际黑社会的。 中国的核潜艇不是用来在海底航行的,而是用来打击不速之客的。  *中国的核武器不是用来吓唬人的,而是用来保卫自己的,想尝尝的欢迎来碰碰运气!!!*

5. 我们要警告拜登,如果他们想让中国补偿*Covid-19 大流行,他们必须找到问题的根源/来源*——从*德特里克堡的调查结果和第一个调查结果开始 马里兰州和五角大楼附近的污水处理中出现 Covid-19 病毒病例!*此外,国际赔偿必须从八国联盟入侵中国开始,当时*英国和西方殖民印度,掠夺他们最好的东西 ,最大和最昂贵的珠宝,保留并用于女王的王冠。 仅从印度掠夺的金额就超过45万亿美元!*王毅只是先把这几个案子一起提出来。 你*先补偿在中国、印度、马来西亚、亚洲国家、非洲、澳大利亚、加拿大、北美和南美和*世界上犯下的旧历史战争罪行*。

6、现在中国在世界上处于非常有利的地位,率先控制了新冠肺炎&Covid-19,率先进入经济复苏阶段,现在又要加大抗疫输出能力 材料走向世界。 中国赶超美国的时候,经济总量也大大超前,这是拜登无法接受的。  *美国被特朗普&拜登拖入泥潭,现在拜登要让中国和世界不高兴*




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CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 05:49 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Sentinel - 14-04-2023, 05:56 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by WhatDoYouThink! - 14-04-2023, 05:59 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by grotesqueness - 14-04-2023, 05:59 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 06:21 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by webinarian - 15-04-2023, 08:05 AM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by debono - 15-04-2023, 08:12 AM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by WhatDoYouThink! - 14-04-2023, 06:01 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 07:19 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by grotesqueness - 14-04-2023, 08:40 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 08:43 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 08:58 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by grotesqueness - 14-04-2023, 08:59 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 14-04-2023, 09:00 PM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 15-04-2023, 07:50 AM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by FangFang - 15-04-2023, 08:42 AM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 15-04-2023, 10:12 AM
RE: CHINA'S WARNING TO USA - by Omnipresent88 - 07-06-2023, 10:26 PM

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