22-05-2023, 06:16 PM
By 2100
Africa population will be 40% of world population
meaning if you not in Africa now u miss the boat.
All others population down.
Many years ago I read it in UN report
when RT mentioned it awhile ago I still daze
but when it repeats all doubt fade away.
tioToxED PUtoxED
ahQua got the middle finger from the Arabs
now working at Pivot east
Africa population will be 40% of world population
meaning if you not in Africa now u miss the boat.
All others population down.
Many years ago I read it in UN report
when RT mentioned it awhile ago I still daze
but when it repeats all doubt fade away.
tioToxED PUtoxED
ahQua got the middle finger from the Arabs
now working at Pivot east