Six-year-old girl has both feet severed in freak seat belt accident

Alisha Rahaman Sarkar
Mon, 29 May 2023 at 5:38 pm SGT


Aubrey Scaletta, aged six, was playing with a ratchet strap in the passenger seat of a pickup truck on 17 May when one end of the strap went out the window and wrapped around the drive shaft.

The other end of the strap wrapped around Aubrey's feet, almost pulling her out of the window


The strap quickly tightened, severing both her feet.

Aubrey was airlifted to a hospital where she underwent a six-hour surgery as the doctors tried to reattach her amputated feet.

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Six-year-old girl has both feet severed in freak seat belt accident - by Levin - 30-05-2023, 03:49 PM

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