Russia has blown up major Ukrainian dam, says Kyiv

(06-06-2023, 02:37 PM)sgh Wrote:  Ukraine has mounted at least 5 major counter offensive in Donbass region just not at Bakhmut. Saw news a very senior possibly ministerial level Russian general is at the forefront to oversee and dent the offensives and it claim to be successful. Ukrainian lost many tanks, vehicles, arty etc and approximately 250 men. Not sure true as cannot find confirmation from Ukraine news site.

So I think Ukraine has mounted major counter offensive just not at Bakhmut but in other Russian occupied regions.
Recent weeks have seen Ukraine’s military stepping up shaping operations – attacks on Russian targets like fuel depots and weapons dumps far behind frontlines – which typically precede a major advance by ground forces. Govt officials in Kyiv have been at pains to say about counteroffensive would not be announced. 

Kyiv to recapture land held by Russia’s occupying forces could be getting underway.

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