this Tricia Chong got provide " extra service " ?

Let's just say there is a "under the radar" group of ladies FL in the pros trade in Spore. They charge quite high of cuz and they do not do it on a daily basis. They do it once a while when cash run low or fist getting tight. This group of FL earn good monies (most not bad looking) but never pay taxes to govt unlike us full-time employees. Not wanting to break their rice bowl but I think it has been going on for many years due to demand and supply. Heard some of their customers are those got face got head high places with atas profession so if SPF go catch may step on those customers tail and their own rice bowl threatened.

This group is a bit different from sugar babes becuz this group may have a full-time job on top may do adhoc FL. Sugar babe full time is do their job.
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