Ng Chee Meng sibei buay hiao bai, addresses SM Tharman as "Brother" Tharman

He called him 大哥
Like hongkongers call jackie chan 大佬
Whether in army or politics, we all have to cultivate spirit of 战友
Singapore lack this, you can how see in workplace, praising indian ft like no tomorrow then talk bad about own peoples, that mindset need to change
We welcome ft since early 90s, gave them opportunities, otherwise they won't be so many here till overcrowded, but that doesn't mean we have to give everything to them, including your own job
How can a department filled with 80 or 90 percents indian, they controlled the management, not the other way round, 50% already at odd with national racial ratio, is very strange that government never admit they made a mistake like this, they can be a lot better than this, a lot more

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