Singapore reeling from a online crime wave

(18-06-2023, 06:19 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Actually come IT , is NOT SG advance. LHL all along sleeping at job this is why other countries catch up on SG.

China, South Korea already ahead come IT compare to SG.

In Fact SG have to go learn from China EPIC .....whereas last time China come to learn from us when LKY in charge.

One thing , China also got lots of scam but it seem the Govt can control well.

During Lky's time China just opened up. Today even the US is scared of China.

And you are comparing a country with 3.5 m Singaporeans with a country that has 1,500 m Chinese.

We produce one President's Scholar, China produces 1000. This year the number of Chinese graduating from a university is 12.5 m. That's 4 times the population of Singaporanss.

You don't come across as quite analytical...

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