excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed.

Here's one excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. Good rebuttal from a Nathaniel Chua:

"It’s a pity.

You have lived to such an old age, seen much and yet shown immaturity in your analysis and suggestions.

Was expecting more from a senior / 前辈.

Towards the end of your post where you mentioned about punished the unvaxxed, you lost me there.

First of all you are an experimental subject. Read the HSA disclaimer or notice. They are  monitoring their trials. And they said it’s to prevent covid 19 infections. Which data has already shown it can’t really protect anyone from getting infected.

Second of all, it says it reduces severe symptoms. Do I need to mention from MoH website that 80% of the cases are mild flu to no symptoms? How can you reduce no symptoms? In the past the word “healthy” is used to describe such an individual. Now it’s called asymptomatic.

Thirdly, there are people suffering from post jab side effects. If you choose to deny them, be careful what u wish for when ur booster shot comes. We need an empathetic society, not one that turns a blind eye and protect a vaccine not a victim.

Fourth, instead of using your years of persuasion ability, you suggested punishment. It’s sad to see that coming from someone who should have a vast experience of interacting with human beings to know how to listen and understand more. Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.

Next, the unvaxxed aren’t the one affecting the businesses. It’s the virus itself. Get that clear. Don’t try shift the blame. And sing the same tune as the Govt or Straits times. If so, whole singapore should be blamed last year before vaccines came in?

Again, if you are still sane and able to think. How did “delta” come in? Was it caused by the unvaccinated? Stop shifting the blame. You need to identify the root of the problem before you can seek to solve it. I believe you should already know that considering u have lived to an old age.

Last but not least. Would you use a penknife to hammer a nail? Why not? Sure u can. But u know it’s not a one side fit all thing when it comes to medicine or vaccines.
From your previous post that both your spouse and yourself have no side effects after jab, therefore the rest of the senior population should go for it too since it’s proven by you to be safe. This itself once again, show your inability to think.
If someone is allergic to eggs and you aren’t, does that mean the someone must eat eggs like u?

We know our bodies best. We are responsible for our own health. Just like ur education. You choose and craft out ur own paths. So for you to promote and wanting to punish people who choose not to vax, I certainly pray it’s not the vaccine that cause u to be so short sighted and make such an uninformed suggestion.

The world is in a better place if people can come to understand that there are treatments readily available (that don’t help big Pharmas earn big bucks) besides their vaccine products. If not how our pool of huge infected dorm workers recovered last year?

And please, now you have become a silent spreader should you be infected. Pls be afraid like many others, stay home. Ps do not suggest that you wanna come out and dine in. Cause u may pass it onto unvaxxed and also the vaxxed who may bring home to their unvaxxed loved ones (kids).

Protect the people in singapore, such as folks like myself and the other seniors. That’s what the task force said right. Take it to protect your loved ones. And people around you.

Stay blessed Tommy. And pray for wisdom.
I am worried for you and how the vaccine has caused you perhaps to type unwise fb posts.

Oh FYI, if you miss your booster shot, you may be categorized by the Govt into the unvaccinated group too. ? let’s see how many booster shots your body is able to take before you begin to say no. Don’t worry, we will still accept you.

We love people, humans. Just not so much of big Pharmas who want the pandemic to last as long as possible. A patient healed= a customer lost."
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Messages In This Thread
excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Talent - 27-07-2021, 11:07 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Talent - 27-07-2021, 11:08 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Goldmine - 28-07-2021, 11:20 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by OLT - 28-07-2021, 03:45 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Goldmine - 28-07-2021, 11:44 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by babygirl - 28-07-2021, 01:32 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by dynamite - 28-07-2021, 03:17 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Blasterlord2 - 27-07-2021, 11:29 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by pervertosan - 28-07-2021, 07:10 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by WhatDoYouThink? - 27-07-2021, 11:58 PM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Bigbluedot - 28-07-2021, 12:10 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Sharexchange - 28-07-2021, 08:16 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by ODA TETSURO - 28-07-2021, 09:22 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by OLT - 28-07-2021, 09:32 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by ODA TETSURO - 28-07-2021, 09:39 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by OLT - 28-07-2021, 10:14 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by theold - 28-07-2021, 10:42 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by Goldmine - 28-07-2021, 11:01 AM
RE: excellent response to Tommy Koh FB post calling to punish the unvaxed. - by WhatDoYouThink? - 28-07-2021, 05:46 PM

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