China spends more on controlling its 1.4bn people than on defense

have to agree that at times the chinese police is high handed in doing what needs to be done.
but then their ground conditions is not what we can understand.
when top said, the middle said do. the lowest level don't care jsut execute and do and some times we see over do.

let's not see the wrong but the good things that they are doing.

sending the water from the east to the west. this are huge project that we rarely see if not for the absolute power of the ccp. the benefits that it brings will be providing much needed clean water to the western dry area of china. providing a lot more farming area, livelihood for the minority populations in xinjiang area. hot temperature that is reported now like 50+c will be much reduce with the increased water.

the chinese good work of sending water from the south to north and east to west will go down history as major achievement of mankind. saving many people from dying from thirst. and food for many hungry one.

hope we all look at the goodness not just the high handed method. those will improved over generations as civilisation progress.

we yet to know the environmental impact on these water projects as at the same time that much needed water is bring to the needy, the changed in temperature in those benfited area

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