Insurance broker lied about owning F1 team, $250M Champagne collection

Talk about padding your resume.

A Hong Kong-based insurance broker lobbied to get onto Forbes Billionaires list by claiming he held a stake in a Formula 1 racing team, and owned a $250 million Champagne collection and a five-star resort hotel — to go with his half-dozen luxury homes around the world.

He’s also supposedly a Harvard Business School graduate to boot.

But the boasts made by Calvin Lo were a far cry from the truth, Forbes found after a thorough investigation.

Lo relentlessly marketed himself as a mogul with a 10-figure net worth — even though his family’s fortune is estimated to be less than $200 million combined, Forbe reported.

As part of his campaign to be included on the list of billionaires, Lo presented himself to Forbes as CEO and owner of R.E. Lee International, “the world’s largest life insurance broker” with some $1 billion in premiums.

Lo also reportedly claimed to be the founder of R.E. Lee Capital, an asset manager with between $8 billion and $10 billion in assets.

He told Forbes he was “said to be Asia’s largest investor and collector of champagnes and one of the first owners of a Gulfstream G650 private jet in Asia.”

Lo also claimed to the magazine that he was one of the owners of the prestigious Williams Formula 1 racing team.

Instead of checkered flags, Lo only raised red flags.

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Insurance broker lied about owning F1 team, $250M Champagne collection - by fuch_asia - 30-07-2023, 01:09 AM

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