Is it wrong for Russia to take back Ukraine?

From what I read Russia attack becuz Ukraine ignore his warning to join NATO. As joining NATO will bring them very close to Russia borderlines. They requested for Ukraine to be neutral that's all. But that zealot Jews maddog Zelensky want to join and ignore the warning but I think he also never think Russia will really attack. If the start of the mission to take him down is successful the war would not have dragged. So now we see the prolonged war and suffering.

Now only pray the Ukrainian ppl revolt and overthrow Zelensky so at least got chance to negotiate with Russia. However after dying so many Russia soldiers too, Russia ain't gonna leave all lands they conquered. Some parts of the lands will be permanently belong to Russia. Only way to liberate is to war over them.

And the irony of it all Zelensky wish to join NATO has been rejected time and again haha.... obigood backstab by the NATO basically lead by US.

Messages In This Thread
Is it wrong for Russia to take back Ukraine? - by OutBreak - 12-09-2023, 12:39 PM
RE: Is it wrong for Russia to take back Ukraine? - by Oyk - 12-09-2023, 12:56 PM
RE: Is it wrong for Russia to take back Ukraine? - by sgh - 12-09-2023, 02:43 PM

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