CPF should establish a maximum sum above which funds can be taken out.

Idea is this to free up financial resources and still have retirement assurance so that the money locked up can be used to enhance life and opportunities...

1. Set a maximum can be 400k or 500k. If person reach this amount inside CPF SA and set aside cannot be touched, he is free to use the rest of his CPF as he wishes.

2. This will free up "locked resources" that can be use to enhance human capital. Person who can reach such a sum in CPF should be able to handle and manage his money that is above this amount set aside.

3. The option for such excess sums seem to be property and causes Singaporeans to over focus to channel money towards that.

4. Eventually one gets hold of money above min sum at age 55. Why not such excess money earlier when person is nearer to prime of his life and can makes good use of it for his human capital development.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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