Law firm Lee & Lee, younger bro of former PM Lee Kuan Yew.

Kim Eng founder Gloria Lee dies, aged 97. She started off from dealing room of now-dissolved Robert Wee & Co in the late 1960s. In 1972, she made history as the first woman who bought a seat at the stock exchange, with S$700,000 in savings and bank loans.

She named her firm Kim Eng – “Kim” after her late husband Dennis Lee Kim Yew, and “Eng” from the name of a family friend. Her husband was founding partner in the law firm Lee & Lee, and the younger brother of former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew.

Kim Eng became Singapore’s first listed broker in 1990. Its public offering attracted S$23 billion in subscriptions for an offering of S$29.3 million. Lee founded stock brokerage Kim Eng Holdings, which was sold to Malaysia’s Maybank in 2011.

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