Fifty world leaders call on UN to bring about peace in Ukraine

"While the minutes that define life or death on our planet are ticking on," Petro declared, "rather than halting this march of time and talking about how to defend life for the future, thanks to deepening knowledge, expand it to the universe, we decided to waste time killing each other. 

We are not thinking about how to expand life to the stars, but rather how to end life on our own planet. We have devoted ourselves to war. We have been called to war. Latin America has been called upon to produce war machines, men, to go to the killing fields."

"They're forgetting that our countries have been invaded several times by the very same people who are now talking about combatting invasions. 

They're forgetting that they invaded Iraq, Syria and Libya for oil. They're forgetting that the same reasons they use to defend Zelenskyy are the very reasons that should be used to defend Palestine. 

They forget that to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, we must end all wars."

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Fifty world leaders call on UN to bring about peace in Ukraine - by theold - 28-09-2023, 10:09 AM

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