If next year LHL luck down wow Lau me too

Fan Tai Shui. U need to soak your kkj in petrol and light it up to get rid of the bad omen Big Grin

Other less dramatic ways to minimise include the below:

Dos And Don’ts For Those In Conflict With Tai Sui

1. Firstly, you must adopt a positive mindset and not worry over anything because the law of attraction works if you always think of the negative.

2. Be involved and attend joyous celebrations as much as possible to rub some positive energies into happy people and occasions.

3. Avoid attending funerals or going to the hospital if you can.

4. You can go for wisdom tooth extraction or blood donation as they are some ways to overcome any misfortune

5. Do charity and do good

6. Avoid any extreme sports or any adventurous trips

7. Send your car for a routine check to prevent any accidents on the road, and drive carefully.

8. Do not make any risky investments or career changes unnecessary

9. Tai Sui dislikes noise and commotion. Avoid construction work, including repair work or renovation.

There is also some disbelief and controversy on this topic, so it largely depends on the individual.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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