Are Secret Santa gift exchanges a waste of time and money?

If we don't do that, don't do all other things like birthday celebration, mooncake festival, Valentine's Day, blablablab, life in this life would be drab where we live to work for nothing but to just stay alive.

There is a minority of peepur who shun all these...the extreme introverts. To them, it's "For what? Waste time."

So another day passes, for them, in the same mundane routine of wake up, eat, stay inside the house, wait for nightfall, back to bed. Every day, it's rinse and repeat.

The don't go out and watch roadshows, nope, no Xmas celebrations for them. They might buy a Xmas log cake, if they can afford and don't mind being overcharged for that piece of kkj shaped cake, and EAT IT ALONE inside the house.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

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