All markets and hawker centres in S'pore now require TraceTogether check-in

All markets and hawker centres in S'pore now require TraceTogether check-in

Toh Ting Wei

SINGAPORE - Visitors to all markets and hawker centres in Singapore are now required to check in with their TraceTogether app or token.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Friday (July 30) that it has worked with town councils, operators and other agencies to progressively implement access control with SafeEntry at all of these locations.

"To facilitate safe entry to markets and hawker centres, all patrons, stallholders and stall assistants must bring along and use their TraceTogether token or app to tap on the SafeEntry Gateway reader," said NEA. The TraceTogether app can also be used to scan the QR code to check-in, it added.

"NEA and town councils will be progressively deploying personnel to assist with SafeEntry check-in at access points to markets and hawker centres."

The move to install interim fencing and make TraceTogether-only SafeEntry mandatory was earlier announced by the Health Ministry (MOH) on July 20.

The tightened measures are meant to tamp down a surge in Covid-19 cases at markets and food centres, likely seeded when fishmongers visited Jurong Fishery Port to collect their seafood stocks.

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