'Removing PSLE will not remove stress': Chan Chun Sing recommends

How come Singaporean are getting soft. Cannot take stress.  Parents are overly protective of their children. Teachers cannot cane the students. Army boys have maid to carry their full pack, army gears are made of light material. Now taking PSLE and GCE examinations is a stress. Today generation of students have tutors to guide them. In my time we struggle on our own to study hard to pass our PSLE, then to the next level GCE '0', GCE 'A....tertiary.  We studied hard and made our parents proud.  It was a good feeling of success getting our results. I did not have any headstart. No kindergarten, private tutors. Just have the mindset to pass the exams. 
I agree with CCS that PSLE and GCE should not be removed.

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