Matthew Miller: The true face of the US

DEC 12, 2023 - 12:52 PM GMT+3


Miller claimed that Hamas was unwilling to release the remaining female hostages due to their reluctance to speak about “what happened to them” during captivity. Implied in Miller’s statement was an accusation of sexual assault by Hamas against the female hostages, escalating the situation to the point where the Israeli military had to intervene.


The headline from the daily Times of Israel read: “IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) appears to push back on ‘irresponsible’ U.S. claim Hamas refusing to release raped hostages.”

Denouncing statements like Miller’s when referring to discussions around this issue, the IDF said in a rare statement, “The conversation around the issue is irresponsible, inaccurate and should be avoided.”

Imagine a spokesperson who even the world’s most discredited army advises not to tell them more lies – even accusing him of being irresponsible. Recall the incident where U.S. President Joe Biden claimed to have seen photos of 40 beheaded babies, only for the White House to deny it an hour later. Instances of a similar nature are abundant, with officials from the White House, the Department of State and other U.S. government authorities engaging in a contest of deception against Israel. They have positioned themselves as a “human shield” to safeguard their falsehoods.

However, the day arrived when even Israel said, “Not to that extent.” This is because those female hostages will eventually come forward and reveal the truth, just as the recently released ones did today. Israel will find it even more challenging to explain why it did not prioritize rescuing the hostages while its women were being assaulted. Israel’s objection does not stem from a reflex to stand for the truth; it is entirely about being able to control societal psychology.

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Matthew Miller: The true face of the US - by Levin - 05-03-2024, 12:38 PM

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