CNA Commentary : China economy will get worse before it gets better

(02-03-2024, 07:25 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:

It will not get any better until the old fool is dead...who know the country will plunge into chaos then
Quote:We have an old man who is 70 this year who has set himself up as President for life. It is a dream that somehow he will be desposed and pushed from power. Like so many strong men, I believe he will die in office. They have an extraordinary health care system such that his life expectancy will be well into the 90s.

To ensure his regime, he has gutted the system so that there is no one who can mount any kind of challenge. It is said that he lives in a paraniod bubble (20,000 man security detail) and there is great fear to bring him news which displeases him. He is the sole decision maker running policy in what best can only be described as an information vacum. He has displayed a great affection for Chairman Mao and there are currently plans to have his portrait hung next to Mao's in Tianamen Square.

Until he passes in about 20 years, we can expect no change in China. When Mao passed, China was fortunate to have Deng who led the country to reform. It not known who will suceeed him. It could very well be that history repeats itself we have a Soviet Union style parade of like minded elderly men who become President for life and continue China along its current path.

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


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