Recalcitrant sex offender jailed again for molesting underage girl girl

A recalcitrant offender, who has been in and out of jail for sex offences against minors, is back behind bars after he molested an underage girl earlier this year.

Xavier Lee Wei Jie, now 30, was yesterday sentenced to 10 month's jail after he pleaded guilty to one count of outrage of modesty involving a 14-year-old student on July 30.

In 2015, the Singaporean man was sentenced to a year's jail for having sex with a 12-year-old girl.  He reoffended after his release and was jailed again in 2019.

Lee had met his latest victim through one of her friends and was aware of the girl's ages....

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper

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Recalcitrant sex offender jailed again for molesting underage girl girl - by debono - 16-11-2021, 11:07 AM
RE: Recalcitrant sex offender jailed again for molesting underage girl girl - by Ola - 16-11-2021, 11:51 AM
RE: Recalcitrant sex offender jailed again for molesting underage girl girl - by p1acebo - 16-11-2021, 11:52 AM
RE: Recalcitrant sex offender jailed again for molesting underage girl girl - by sgbuffett - 16-11-2021, 12:42 PM

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