Changi Business Park:A struggling business park deals a blow to Singapore

remember the previous used of foreigners has back fire due to over consumptions replacing local jobs and not creating local jobs as perceived.

so letting in foreigners must be on a case by case basis of what jobs it create for local.
foreigners make a lot of money via jobs placement for their locals here by taking money at home.
foreigners must not be granted hr and finance jobs. that will create the loop hole for them to make money at home . to the extend of pushing out local. even during covid they try to not employ local by finding why cannot employ and not why can employ. so certain position must be local.

the early letting in of many india indians has back fire even till now. many of programmers are not formally trained like in singapore. but those taken a quick course on the language or package, they do no know about spaghetti code etc. these codes alreadying working in banking system etc. making maintnace very difficult to replace.

don't make the same mistake in AI, quantum tech. get the real knowledgeable tech people for skill transfer not one just with some cert.

remember in a office when foreigners are minority they adapt to local. where they are majority they talk in their
language, form their circle then local become out cast.

mix the foreigners from different countries, cities. so that they remain as minority . if we are to take in more foreigners again. which will happen if we want to grow, must be better managed to reduce impact on local.

from top look down it is always logical. try go down a level and think from that level point of view to see if it is still logical. example if i say foreigner can be minister what do you think local minister will think?

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