U.K. Threw Covid Vaccine Maker Under Bus Over Contract, Valneva CEO Says

The government acted because the company wouldn’t be able to meet 2021 supply targets, Lingelbach said. 

The delays are partly due to the slow expansion of a factory in Livingston, Scotland. That process is running about six months behind because of Brexit-related delays in sourcing building materials, which the government had known about and were a reason the contract was being amended, he said.


“They threw us under the bus at I would say the most difficult point in time” due to financial commitments that were already made, said Lingelbach. “We continue to believe that there is some level of accountability that the U.K. government has to take.”

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U.K. Threw Covid Vaccine Maker Under Bus Over Contract, Valneva CEO Says - by theold - 25-11-2021, 08:24 AM
RE: U.K. Threw Covid Vaccine Maker Under Bus Over Contract, Valneva CEO Says - by theold - 25-11-2021, 09:10 AM
RE: U.K. Threw Covid Vaccine Maker Under Bus Over Contract, Valneva CEO Says - by singlon - 25-11-2021, 09:59 AM

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