榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高

Is Singapore a 3rd World Country without the necessary laws to fine the renovation company at least $20k? Even my place has similar problems where they just dump the whole built- in cabinet and beds at the rubbish chute. How to vote for PaP with so many lapses?
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榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高 - by Bigiron - 16-06-2024, 06:12 PM
RE: 榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高 - by Wy:Nox - 17-06-2024, 08:25 AM
RE: 榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高 - by Sharexchange - 17-06-2024, 08:41 AM
RE: 榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高 - by Ola - 17-06-2024, 09:33 AM
RE: 榜鹅新组屋区 停车场走道垃圾堆比人高 - by WhatDoYouThink! - 17-06-2024, 12:22 PM

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