Malaysia refuses to allow Israeli players at world squash event

PUBLISHED NOV 25, 2021, 2:42 PM SGT

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Muslim-majority Malaysia is refusing to grant visas for Israeli players to participate in a major squash tournament next month, the sport's governing body says, sparking anger in the Jewish state.

It is the latest instance of the South-east Asian nation, which has no diplomatic relations with Israel, attempting to bar athletes from the country.


In 2019, Malaysia was stripped of the right to host the World Para Swimming Championships for threatening to refuse Israeli athletes.

And in 2015, Israeli windsurfers had to pull out of a competition on the island of Langkawi after being refused visas.

The Palestinian cause enjoys widespread support in Malaysia, where about 60 per cent of the population are ethnic Malay Muslims, and entry into the country on an Israeli passport is forbidden.

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Malaysia refuses to allow Israeli players at world squash event - by Levin - 26-11-2021, 07:33 AM

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