Book summary what everybody is saying


Meta AI: In the context of nonverbal communication and body language, a "baseline" refers to a person's normal or typical behavior, mannerisms, and body language when they are feeling comfortable and relaxed.

Establishing a baseline is important because it allows you to:

1. Understand what is normal for the person
2. Detect changes in their behavior and body language
3. Identify potential hidden emotions or intentions

By establishing a baseline, you can better understand when a person is:

- Being truthful or deceptive
- Feeling anxious or stressed
- Being themselves or pretending to be someone else
- Hiding something or being open and honest

In essence, a baseline serves as a reference point for understanding a person's nonverbal behavior and detecting potential changes that may indicate something is amiss.

Messages In This Thread
Book summary what everybody is saying - by Bigiron - 30-06-2024, 01:30 PM
RE: Book summary what everybody is saying - by Bigiron - 30-06-2024, 01:32 PM
RE: Book summary what everybody is saying - by Bigiron - 30-06-2024, 01:32 PM

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