I finally got out of my flat today...this is what I found out

(05-12-2021, 02:34 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Cases have fallen below 1000 and death has fallen to 2.
While still not absolutely safe, the risk is now substantially lower...than several weeks ago when we had 3000  cases a day.

I went on my bike to survey the neighborhood area at around 8am. 

When I passed by the hawker center it was not crowded, so I got off my bike to have my first meal outside ..my first in many weeks.
My regular breakfast stall is one that sells porridge and hawker greeted me and said he had not seen me for very long .I eat at the stall at least once a week for many yrs.  I told the hawker I stayed at home to  读书.  After that I ordered my usual pork porridge with egg. The hawker brought it to my table....yes, I still get service here.

I gave the hawker $4 and waited for my 50cts change. I ate about half the bowl when I realised I haven't got my change back so I went to asked for it.

Hawker apologied and pointed to his menu. Price has been increased to $4. Its not longer $3.50 since 2 weeks ago.

Yes, inflation just took  a big bite out of my savings. In terms of porridge my money is work 14% less.

So to not go out of your home for months, this is what will happen, prices of hawker food is increased in the time you were in your home.  There could be more changes to our social landscape, and you must accept all these changes, cos the only thing that is constant is change..... Laughing Rotfl

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